Социально-волонтёрский центр

Invaluable help

Many living victims of political repression are lonely old-aged people who need our help. Volunteers from the GULAG History Museum go with them to health care institutions, help about the house, organize their leisure activities, and provide legal and moral support.

Moreover, volunteers work with documents from the Museum funds, transcribe interviews, translate materials into foreign languages, help organize and hold museum events, clean-ups, and city projects.

You can help
by any means

Work with documents
from the Museum funds
Scanning of books, archives, photographs; creating lists of items; transcribing interviews
Helping victims
of repression
Cleaning flats, cooking, going with them to hospitals; professional help; providing company to them; escorting them to theaters and exhibitions
Helping hall keepers
Participating in cleaning graveyards for victims of the repression
Working in the library
Scanning, creating lists